Dr Luca Cioccolanti got his PhD in Energetics in 2014 at Università Politecnica delle Marche. He was Assistant Professor of “Energy systems” at Ecampus University in the period 2015-2020. Since May 2020 he is Associate Professor in the same scientific sector. He participated in setting up and development of structures and syllabuses for a number of modules on energy topics in overseas Universities being involved and supporting the coordination of two CBHE Erasmus+ projects. From 2019 to 2023 he was coordinator of the CBHE Erasmus+ project ‘Skybelt’ and he is currently involved in the CBHE Erasmus+ project ‘reZEB’.
His research activity is mainly focus on modelling distributed energy systems using renewable energy sources for residential applications. In the topic he was involved in the EU funded H2020 ‘Innova Microsolar’ project ended in April 2022. In particular, Organic Rankine Cycle systems for the recovery of medium-low temperature heat are investigated in detail. He is author of more than 60 papers indexed in scopus 7 of which are within the top 10% citation percentiles (field-wighted) in the corresponding period.
Email: luca.cioccolanti@uniecampus.it
Some recent publications are:
- Moradi R., Cioccolanti L., Del Zotto L., RenziM., Comparative sensitivity analysis of micro-scale gas turbine and supercritical CO2 systems with bottoming organic Rankine cycles fed by the biomass gasification for decentralized trigeneration. ENERGY, vol. 266, ISSN: 0360-5442, doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2022.126491.
- La Picirelli de Souza L., Eduardo Silva Lora E., Rajabi Hamedani S., Escobar Palacio J.C., Cioccolanti, Luca, Villarini, Mauro, Comodi, Gabriele, Colantoni, Andrea. Life cycle assessment of prospective scenarios maximizing renewable resources in the Brazilian electricity matrix. RENEWABLE ENERGY FOCUS, vol. 44, p. 1-18, ISSN: 1755-0084, doi: 10.1016/j.ref.2022.11.002.
- Cioccolanti L., Tascioni R., Moradi R., Jurasz J. (2022). Investigating the hybridisation of microscale concentrated solar trigeneration systems and wind turbines for residential applications using a dynamic model. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 269, ISSN: 0196-8904,doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.116159.
- Moradi R., Habib E., Villarini M., Cioccolanti L. (2021). Assumption-free modeling of a micro-scale organic Rankine cycle system based on a mass-sensitive method. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 245, ISSN: 0196-8904, doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114554.
- Cioccolanti L., Renzi M., Comodi G., Rossi M. (2021). District heating potential in the case of low-grade waste heat recovery from energy intensive industries. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol. 191, ISSN: 1359-4311, doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116851.
- Moradi R., Villarini M., Cioccolanti L. (2021). Experimental modeling of a lubricated, open drive scroll expander for micro-scale organic Rankine cycle systems. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol. 190, ISSN: 1359-4311, doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116784.
- Moradi R., Villarini M., Habib E., Bocci E., Colantoni A., Cioccolanti L. (2021). Impact of the expander lubricant oil on the performance of the plate heat exchangers and the scroll expander in a micro-scale organic Rankine cycle system. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol. 189, ISSN: 1359-4311, doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116714.
- Campana P. E., Cioccolanti L., Francois B., Jurasz J., Zhang Y., Varini M., Stridh B., Yan J. (2021). Li-ion batteries for peak shaving, price arbitrage, and photovoltaic self-consumption in commercial buildings: A Monte Carlo Analysis. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 234, ISSN: 0196-8904, doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.113889.
- Cioccolanti L., Tascioni R., Pirro M., Arteconi A., Development of a hardware-in-the-loop simulator for small-scale concentrated solar combined heat and power system, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT X – December 2020, Vol. (8).
- Moradi R., Habib E., Bocci E., Cioccolanti L., Investigation on the use of a novel regenerative flow turbine in a micro-scale Organic Rankine Cycle unit, ENERGY, Volume 210, 1 November 2020, 11851, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.118519;
- Cipri K., Cioccolanti L., Naldi R., Experimental analysis of a pulse tube based new prototype for cells cryopreservation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, March 2020, DOI: 10.1002/er.5367;
- Tascioni R., Arteconi A., Del Zotto L., Cioccolanti L., Fuzzy Logic Energy Management Strategy of a Multiple Latent Heat Thermal Storage in a Small-Scale Concentrated Solar Power Plant, ENERGIES – May 2020, Vol. (11), Art. number: 2733, https://doi.org/10.3390/en13112733;
- Moradi R., Marcantonio V., Cioccolanti L., Bocci E., Integrating biomass gasification with a steam-injected micro gas turbine and an Organic Rankine Cycle unit for combined heat and power production, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT – February 2020, Vol. (205).
- Campana C., Cioccolanti L., Renzi M., Caresana F., Experimental analysis of a small-scale scroll expander for low-temperature waste heat recovery in Organic Rankine Cycle, ENERGY – November 2019, Vol. (187).
- Cioccolanti L., Rajabi Hamedani S., Villarini M., Environmental and energy assessment of a small-scale solar Organic Rankine Cycle trigeneration system based on Compound Parabolic Collectors, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT – October 2019, Vol. (198).
- Arteconi A., Del Zotto L., Tascioni R., Cioccolanti L., Modelling system integration of a micro solar Organic Rankine Cycle plant into a residential building, APPLIED ENERGY – October 2019, Vol. (251).