Mario Di Veroli, contract lecturer of machine environment interaction (ING-IND / 08) and Electric and hybrid vehicles (SSD ING-IND / 08) at the Engineering Faculty of the eCampus University. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He subsequently attended the PhD course in Energy at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” Faculty of Engineering, following which he discussed his doctoral dissertation on the analysis of energy performance of biomass direct combustion. He has taught for numerous university, training and advanced training courses.
His research activity is focused on energy efficiency and renewable resoreces. He is an expert in the analysis of environmental impact. He is mainly interested in the implementation of energy auditing interventions and in the definition of consumption patterns of complex users.
The research activities were carried out mainly within the framework of EU research projects, regional and national projects.
He is the author of numerous publications and articles on energy and environmental issues.
Email: mario.diveroli@uniecampus.it
Main publications:
- Capata, R., Kylykbashi, K., Calabria, A. and Di Veroli, M. (2016) Experimental Tests on a Pre-Heated Combustion Chamber for Ultra Micro Gas Turbine Device: Air/Fuel Ratio Evaluation. Engineering, 8, 789-805. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/eng.2016.811071
- Calabria A., Di Veroli M, Di Palma D., Lucentini M. “L’Esperto in Gestione dell’Energia”, EPC Editore, 2016, Roma
- Calabria A., Capata R., Di Veroli M. “Complementi di Macchine – Esercizi di macchine a fluido” Edizioni CompoMat, Aprile 2014, Roma
- AA.VV. “Le energie rinnovabili” Hoepli, Gennaio 2012, Milano
- AA.VV. “Le Fonti Rinnovabili in Italia”, Ministero dell’Ambiente della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Settembre 2010, Roma
- Calabria A., Di Veroli M., Rubini L. “Sistemi solari Termici”, Flaccovio editore, Aprile 2008, Palermo
- Spagnuolo M. (a cura di),“Efficienza energetica nella progettazione” sezione “Biomasse nell’edilizia”, DEI, Settembre 2007, Roma