Luca Del Zotto, born in Cesena, Italy, on 28/10/1978 received the M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Energy and Environmental Management Systems in 2006 and 2009 respectively at University of Rome “Sapienza”.
PMP Certified on 03 Apr 2012 by PMI (Project Management Institute) – PMP Number: 1495530.
From 2006 to 2016 works at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering-University of Rome “Sapienza”as Teaching Assistant of Energy systems.
From December 2017 is Assistant Professor of Energy Systems at Ecampus University teaching modules of Energy System Management, Sustainable Energy Planning and Internal Combustion Engine since December 2017.
Research field is on renewable energies such as solar ORC, Fuel Cell, H2 production/utilization and gasification systems applied to the built environment.
He took part in a number of national and international projects both as coordinator and staff member. Among them ECOCEL (Direct Methanol Fuel Cell for low energy production) and SECOA (Environmental Stresses in Coastal Area). He’s actually involved in H2020 BLAZE (Biomass Low cost Advanced Zero Emission small-to-medium scale integrated gasifier fuel cell combined heat and power plant) project funded by EU.
Email: luca.delzotto@uniecampus.it
Main publications:
- Arteconi A., Del Zotto L., Tascioni R., Cioccolanti L., Modelling system integration of a micro solar Organic Rankine Cycle plant into a residential building, Applied Energy – October 2019, Vol. (251).
- Rajabi S., Del Zotto L., Bocci E., Colantoni A., Villarini M., Eco-efficiency assessment of bioelectricity production from Iranian vineyard biomass gasification, Biomass and Bioenergy – August 2019, Vol (127)
- Arteconi A., Del Zotto L., Tascioni R., Mahkamov K., Underwood C., Cabeza L.F., Maldonado J., Manca R., Mintsa A., Bartolini C.M., Gimbernat T., Botargues T., Halimic E., Cioccolanti L., Multi-Country Analysis on Energy Savings in Buildings by Means of a Micro-Solar Organic Rankine Cycle System: A Simulation Study, Environments – November 2018, Vol (5).
- Monforti A., Rajabi S., Del Zotto L., Santori S., Bocci E., Techno-economic analysis of in-situ production by electrolysis, biomass gasification and delivery systems for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations: Rome case study, Energy Procedia – August 2018, Vol (148): 82-89
- Calabriso A., Cedola L., Borello D., Romano G., Cedola L., Del Zotto L., Santori S., Bubbly flow mapping in the anode channel of a direct methanol fuel cell via PIV investigation, Applied Energy – January 2017, Vol (185): 1245-1255
- Calabriso A., Cedola L., Del Zotto L., Rispoli F., Santori S., Performance Investigation of Passive DMFC in Different Structural Configurations, Journal of Cleaner Production – February 2015, Vol (88): 23-28.