
Current projects:

Union Civil Protection Mechanism- Knowledge for Action in Prevention and Preparedness

Title of the project:
Mitigating The Risk Of Flooding And Landslides Via Artificial Intelligence With

A View To Extreme Climate Events (SAFE-LAND)

Project reference number: 101140345


This project proposes a tool that combines analytical/numerical methods with Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence to assess hydrogeological risk and generate guidelines on risk management planning and increasing risk awareness, even if hydrogeologic/demographic data is incomplete. The tool uses a knowledge base consisting of representative sets of reference areas and reference climate events. Trustworthy artificial intelligence makes the tool unique as it explains how it comes to results, making its reasoning understandable and reliable. Experts can work alongside the tool to select the best mitigation plans and insert new reference areas/reference climate events into the knowledge base, thereby obtaining a lifelong learning tool. The project involves Italy, Croatia, and Montenegro, which will collaborate and provide data regarding the areas where the pilot studies will occur.

The project started in February 2024 and has a duration of 2 years.


N° Partner Nome Partner Stato
1 University eCampus Italy
2 University of Pisa Italy

Role of the eCampus University

University eCampus acts within the project as coordinator and leader of the work packages Project management and coordination, Communication, Reference areas, reference climate events, and damage parameters, and Results of the pilot studies. 

Project coordinator and Team leader at University eCampus: Prof. Elisabetta Cattoni
Project budget: 1 150 356,90 €
Budget University eCampus: 487 015.97€

For further details please visit the project website: SAFE-LAND | UCP Knowledge Network: Applied knowledge for action (


UCPM-2022-PP: Prevention anPreparedness Projects on Civil Protection and Marine Pollution.

Title of the project:

Project reference number: 101101236

The project proposes a system for multidimensional seismic risk assessment in cross-border areas, whose dimensions are the damage to structures and the psychological consequences for the individuals involved. The system has a knowledge base (KB) containing reference structures and reference families represented using technical and psychological parameters, which serve as a representative set of the infrastructures and families in existing areas.  The proposed system combines analytical/numerical methods with eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) models to estimate the damage to infrastructures, the losses, and the psychological consequences for the individuals involved. The system will be available for competent authorities for free, as a web app, and will help civil protection authorities when planning mitigation strategies to reduce damages and losses. The project involves Croatia, Italy, and Slovenia and aims to apply the system to cross-border seismic pilot areas between Italy-Slovenia and Slovenia-Croatia.
The project started at the end of 2022 and will have a duration of 2 years.


N° Partner Partner Name Country
University eCampus Italy
2 University of Pisa Italy
4 Gasilska Zveza Slovenije Slovenia

Role of University eCampus

University eCampus acts within the project as coordinator and leader of the work packages Project management and coordination, Communication, Benchmark structures, EDPs, and representative families, and Application to pilot studies in cross-border areas. 

Project coordinator and Team leader at University eCampus: Prof. Francesco Focacci
Project budget: 1 076 462.77 €
Budget University eCampus: 416 922.90€

For further details please visit the project website:


Erasmus+ Key Action 2:
Capacity Building in Higher Education

Title of the project:
Fostering Renewable energy technologies and energy Efficiency knowledge towards near Zero Energy Buildings of engineers and professionals in Western Balkan Countries (reZEB)

Project reference number: GA 101128611

The project aims at enhancing the knowledge and skills of students of VET and engineering faculties in the field of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency for near Zero Energy Buildings in some Western Balkan Countries. This goal is pursued through three main pillars: (i) the modernization of the modules selected within the project implementing also distance teaching methods and new laboratory equipment; (ii) the promotion of internships of students; (iii) the organisation of seminars and short courses for students and people from industry for their lifelong learning and re-skilling.
The project started at the end of 2023 and will have a duration of 3 years.


N° Partner Partner Name Country
1 University of Castilla-La Mancha Spain
University eCampus Italy
3 Neapolis University Cyprus
4 Gasilska Zveza Slovenije Slovenia
3 Neapolis University Cipro
4 European Education Initiative Albania
5 Polis University Albania
6 Professional College of Tirana Albania
7 Universum College Kosovo
8 International Business College Mitrovica Albania
9 Co-Plan Institute (associated partner) Albania
10 Albenecon (associated partner) Albania
11 Municipality of Tirana (associated partner) Albania
12 Kosovo Export Association (associated partner) Kosovo
13 Alliance of Kosovar Business (associated partner) Kosovo

Role of eCampus University
ECampus University acts in the project as leader of workpackages related to the preparation and development of the modernisation by supervising the teaching material and methods at Western Balkan Partner Insitutions.

Team Leader at eCampus University: Assoc. Prof. Luca Cioccolanti
Project budget: 796’320 €
ECampus University budget: 108’230€

For futher details please visit project website or contact



Title of the project:
NEXT.COM – The NEXT generation of multiphysics and multidomain environmental COMfort models: theory elaboration and validation experiment

Project reference number: 20172FSCH4_004

NEXT.COM will develop a frontier breakthrough of comfort investigation in the built environment by testing and validating a brand new multiphysics, multidomain and multisensorial comfort experimental protocol and exhaustive analytic interpretation model. Answers to the key research issues motivating occupancy behaviour, driving and reducing energy needs and improving wellbeing conditions within the built environment will be provided. To this aim, the project will exploit the full potential of a new generation of monitoring apparata (e.g. skin temperature sensors, galvanic skin response sensors, brain activity, activity/posture, augmented-virtual reality, etc.) that are currently used in other domains but have not been completely exploited in building physics yet. The comfort interpretation model will be integrated into some of the most common ready-to-use and customized dynamic building energy simulation tools to assess also the potentialities of the approach in terms of energy saving in new and existing buildings.


N° Partner Name of the Partner Country
1 Politecnico di Torino Italy
2 Università di Perugia Italy
Università eCampus Italy
4 Università Federico II Italy

Role of Università eCampus
Università eCampus develops the measurement system to acquire environmental and physiological quantities, together with the data processing and analysis tools for the predictive models creation.

Team leader at eCampus: Prof. Marco Arnesano
Budget of eCampus: 93.000€


Industrial research for ENERECO SpA

The Company has an interest in undertaking research and development activities for the definition of the design requirements for the implementation and commissioning of a system for the production of microalgae and high value-added compounds, mainly intended for the pharmaceutical and food industries.

  • Preliminary sizing of the PBR LED system and relative high added value molecule collection and extraction system
  • Selection of algal species suitable for the development of algal biostimulants
  • Study of the tolerance to the CO2 concentration of the selected species
  • Support in the process of supplying a microalgal plant

eCampus Coordinator: Prof. Matteo Moglie
Budget: 23.500 €

Past projects:

Erasmus+ Key Action 2:
Capacity Building in Higher Education

Title of the project:
Enhancement of engineering skills of students of all levels for application of evidence based sustainable renewable energy solutions in the built environment (Skybelt)

Project reference number: 610258-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

The project aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of students (at all levels) in the field of renewable energy technologies to be integrated into the built environment at the partner countries universities. The project consisted of three main pillars: (i) the modernization of the modules selected within the project at Asian partner universities implementing also distance teaching methods and new laboratory equipment; (ii) the promotion of internships of students and their mobility; (iii) the involvement of external organizations working in the field of the project in order to create an extend network continuously cooperating also after the end.
The project started at the end of 2019 and ended in November 2023.


N° Partner Name of the Partner Country
1 Università eCampus Italy
2 University of Cukurova Turkey
3 University of Northumbria at Newcastle United Kingdom
4 Beijing University of Technology China
5 Lanzhou Jiatong University China
6 Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia
7 Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia
8 Naresuan University Thailand
9 Chiang Mai University Thailand

Role of Università eCampus
Università eCampus acted within the project as coordinator and leader of the work packages related to the preparation and management of the project. Furthermore, together with the other European partner universities Università eCampus worked in the supervision of the enhancement of the teaching material at Asian partner universities with respect to the selected modules in the project. Moreover, it supported the setting up and the implementation of the quality assurance plan according to the current European standards.

Project coordinator and Team leader at Università eCampus: Dr. Luca Cioccolanti
Project budget: 1’000’000 €
Budget of Università eCampus: 119’685€

For further info please visit the project website or contact Dr. Luca Cioccolanti at


Research and Innovation Action EE-04-2016-2017:
New heating and cooling solutions using low grade sources of thermal energy

Title of the project:
Innovative Micro Solar Heat and Power System for Domestic and Small Business Residential Buildings (Innova MicroSolar)

Project reference number: 723596

The overall objective of this project was to develop an innovative high performance and cost effective 2kWel/18kWth solar heat and power system for application in individual dwellings and small business residential buildings for on-site electricity and heat generation using solar thermal energy at temperature levels of 250-280 °C. The proposed technology consists of a small Organic Rankine Cycle plant, a linear Fresnel reflectors solar field and a thermal energy storage system based on phase change material and equipped with reversible heat pipes to guarantee the thermal and electrical energy production even in case of no sun for a time interval of about 3- 4 hours. Finally, an intelligent control system allows the management of the integrated system and its interaction with the user. The proposed plant had the objective of guaranteeing about 60% of the energy required by a domestic user with the ultimate goal of contributing to the decarbonisation of the residential sector.

The plant has been installed and tested in the town of Almatret (Spain).


N° Partner Name of the Partner Country/strong>
1 University of Northumbria at Newcastle United Kingdom
2 University of Lleida Spain
3 Università eCampus Italy
4 Enogia France
5 Thermacore Europe Ltd United Kingdom
6 Elianto Italy
8 Sinagro Enginyeria S.L.P. Spain
9 User Feeback Program SI Spain

Role of Università eCampus
Università eCampus dealt with the study, the modelling and the optimization of the integrated system with particular reference to the solar and conventional back-up technologies. Indeed, depending on the location in which the proposed system is installed and on the user needs, the size of the system and the interaction of the different sub-systems must be adapted to design the best possible configuration from an energetic, environmental and economic point of view.

Team leader at Università eCampus: Dr. Luca Cioccolanti
Budget of Università eCampus: 337’250€

For further details please visit the project website:


Industrial Research for SOGEPU SpA

The Company had an interest in undertaking research and development activities at the Belladanza plant complex in order to optimize the management of the plant itself, reducing its environmental impact using microalgae and renewable energy generation systems. The following is the list of the conducted analyses:

  • energy diagnosis of  Belladanza waste treatment plant
  • evaluation of heat recovery from combustion flue gases
  • evalution of phytodepuration, with microalgae, of wastewaters produced by the plant
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the waste management process.
  •  analysis of the potential of plastics residues gasification

eCampus Coordinator: Prof. Matteo Moglie;  Prof, Luca Cioccolanti; Prof.ssa Barbara Marchetti
Budget: 340.000 €



Project title:

SUPRA – Single Use PPE Reinforced Asphalts 


The project, funded by Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition (Bando per il finanziamento di attività di ricerca volta alla riduzione dei rifiuti prodotti da plastica monouso – Edizione 2021), have the main objective the engineering of an innovative product based on the reuse of the waste plastics from the processing of personal protective equipment (PPE) used to prevent the diffusion of the Covid-19 pandemic (masks and gloves). The fiber material, adequately treated and processed, will be applied in the production of mixtures for road pavement, with the scope to propose a circular economy scenario.

The goal is to use the waste fibrous material, deriving from end-of-life PPE, in the manufacturing of hot-mix asphalt with similar or higher technical properties than ordinary non-reinforced mixtures.

The project is organized in the following sub-sections:

  • Study and definition of the most suitable scenario of collection and reuse of the textile polymeric fibers deriving from the PPE used during Covid-19 pandemics;
  • Study and definition of the technical-economic feasibility of the application of waste PPE as a reinforcement for hot-mix asphalt;
  • Experimentation and validation of the prototype in pre-industrial case studies.


N° Partner Nome Partner Stato
1 University della Tuscia Italy
2 University of Bergamo Italy
3 University eCampus Italy

Role of Università eCampus

Università eCampus was responsible for the support in the preparation of PPE, definition of the experimental program on the hot-mix asphalt including recycled PPE, the data analysis, the organization of the trial section and the writing of the technical report.

Coordinator for eCampus: Prof. Edoardo Bocci

Total project budget: 198’135 €

Budget for eCampus: 12’500 €


Project title:

Construction of trial sections of hot-mix asphalt for base and binder layers including high contents of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) 


Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A. and CREAT stipulated a research contract aimed at maximizing the reuse of RAP, evaluating the possibility of increasing the content in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) and applying the technology of cold recycling, which allows the substitution of virgin aggregate with RAP up to 100%.

To this scope, in January and February 2023 a trial section along the Bravo taxiway of Roma Fiumicino Airport has been constructed. The following experimental mixtures have been produced and laid:

  • HMA for binder layer with SBS-modified bitumen and 50% of RAP;
  • HMA for base layer with SBS-modified bitumen and 50% of RAP;
  • Cold recycled asphalt base including 96% of RAP stabilized on site with polymer-modified bitumen emulsion and cement.

In particular, the experimental HMA (binder and base layers) with 50% of RAP have been manufactured using a peculiar SBS-modified bitumen characterized by a high content of aromatics, specifically engineered to allow the rejuvenation of the aged bitumen in the RAP.


N° Partner Nome Partner Stato
1 University eCampus Italy
2 Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A. Italy

 Role of Università eCampus

Università eCampus was responsible for the definition of the experimental program, the organization of the trial sections, state-of-the-art study, the data analysis and the writing of technical reports.

Coordinator for eCampus: Prof. Edoardo Bocci

Budget for eCampus: 25’000€


Project title:
Study on the fatigue behaviour and damage propagation in asphalt rubber mixtures

The experimental programme included the analysis of two different types of Asphalt Rubber mixtures, respectively manufactured through dry-Italy and wet method.
The study involved the following laboratory investigations:
– cyclic compression tests in linear visco-elastic field, carried out at different temperatures and frequencies, for the measurement of the complex Young’s modulus (norm and phase angle);
– cyclic triaxial tests with compressive load pulses, for the measurement of the permanent deformation at high temperatures;
– cyclic indirect tensile fatigue tests, performed at constant temperature and frequency with the application of different horizontal stresses, for the construction of the fatigue curves;
– indirect Tensile strength tests with analysis of the fracture energy.
The tests were carried out by means of a Nottingham Asphalt Tester device. The equipment consists in a servo-pneumatic press (located inside a climatic chamber for the temperature control) and allows dynamic uniaxial and triaxial tests to be performed on asphalt concrete mixtures, according to EN 12697-24, EN 12697-25 and EN 12697-26.
The project developed between May 2014 and November 2015.


N° Partner Name of the Partner Country
1 Università eCampus Italy
2 Ecopneus S.c.p.A. Italy

Role of Università eCampus
Università eCampus was responsible for state-of-the-art study, definition of the experimental programme, data analysis and writing of technical reports.

Coordinator for eCampus: Prof. Edoardo Bocci
Budget for eCampus: 25’000€


Project title:
Study of the possibility to use the filler produced from Ladle Furnace Slags (LFS) in hot bituminous mixtures

The present research aimed at evaluating the possibility of use ladle furnace “white” slags (LFS), deriving from the steelmaking industry by Gruppo Pittini, as filler in hot asphalt concrete. The objectives of the study were:
– the assessment of the physical properties of the LFS, in order to verify the opportunity of its reuse in asphalt mixtures;
– the definition of an adequate procedure for LFS treatment aimed at achieving physico-mechanical characteristics of the asphalt concrete comparable to those of the mixtures including industrial fillers with hydrated lime;
– the laboratory validation, in terms of volumetric and mechanical properties, of the asphalt concrete including LFS filler, compared to a traditional mix including limestone filler.
The project developed between March and September 2017.


N° Partner Name of the Partner Country
1 Università eCampus Italy
2 Ferriere Nord S.p.A. Italy
3 Università Politecnica delle Marche Italy

Role of Università eCampus
Università eCampus was responsible for the definition of the experimental programme, the identification of the mixes with different filler types and dosages for the laboratory tests, the data analysis, the definition of the products that allowed achieving the best performances in the asphalt concrete and the writing of the technical reports.

Coordinator for eCampus: Prof. Edoardo Bocci
Budget for eCampus: 7’500€