Si laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica con 110/110 e lode con una tesi dal titolo: “Studio e applicazione di vibrometria laser Doppler e metodologie non distruttive per la diagnostica di opere d’arte”.
Nel 2000 consegue l’abilitazione alla professione di Ingegnere.
Nel 2003 consegue il Titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Misure Meccaniche per l’Ingegneria presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova con una tesi dal titolo: “Development of a measurement device based on laser Doppler vibrometry for the characterization of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)”.
Attualmente è professore di II fascia per il settore scientifico disciplinare ING-IND/17, presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi E-Campus. Nell’anno accademico 2018-2019 è stata visiting professor presso la Catholic University di Washington DC.
Email: barbara.marchetti@uniecampus.it
Principali pubblicazioni:
- Cunningam A., Vignola A., Turo D., Corvaro F., Ryan T., Vignola J., Marchetti B, 2019, Structural vibration analysis of Fresco cohesion, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146, 2952.
- Marchetti, B., Leporini, M., Corvaro, F., Olivieri, A., Ighani, M., Chiarucci, M., 2020, Application of infrared thermography to determine the correlation between skin temperature and onset of graft versus host disease in patients after bone marrow transplantation: A preliminary study, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 156.
- Leporini, M., Marchetti, B., Corvaro, F., Polonara, F., 2019, Reconversion of offshore oil and gas platforms into renewable energy sites production: Assessment of different scenarios, Renewable Energy, pp.1121-1132, DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.12.073.
- Leporini, M., Terenzi, A., Marchetti, B., Corvaro, F., Polonara, F., 2019, On the numerical simulation of sand transport in liquid and multiphase pipelines, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, pp. 519-525, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2018.12.057.
- Leporini, M., Terenzi, A., Marchetti, B., Giacchetta, G., Corvaro, F., 2019, Experiences in numerical simulation of wax deposition in oil and multiphase pipelines: Theory versus reality, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, pp.9971008, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2018.11.087.
- Marchetti, B., Leporini, M., Corvaro, F., Polonara, F., Benucci, M., 2018, Experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection in tilted square cavity filled with air, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 99: 572-583.
- Afshari F, Zavaragh G, Sahina B, Cocci Grifoni R, Corvaro F, Marchetti B, Polonara F, 2018, On numerical methods; optimization of CFD solution to evaluate fluid flow around a sample object at low Re numbers, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 152:51-68.
- B Marchetti, F Corvaro, G Giacchetta, F Polonara, M Leporini, 2018, Double Green Process: a low environmental impact method for recycling of CdTe, a-Si and CIS/CIGS thin-film photovoltaic modules, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 11 (3), pp. 173-185.
- M Leporini, A Terenzi, G Giacchetta, B Marchetti, F Polonara, F Corvaro, R Cocci Grifoni, 2018, Modelling the pressurization induced by solar radiation on above ground installations of LPG pipeline systems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 923, conference 1.
- M Leporini, V D’Alessandro, E Mancini, A Terenzi, B Marchetti, A new integrated approach to study the thermal and mechanical response of vessels subject to a safe blowdown process, 2018 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 53: 103-114.
- M Leporini, V D’Alessandro, D. Dall’Acqua, G. Giacchetta,A Terenzi, B Marchetti, 2017, A new tool for modelling the decompression behaviour of CO2 with impurities using the Peng-Robinson equation of state, Applied Energy, Volume 206: 1432-1445.
- D. Dall’Acqua, M Leporini, M Benucci, A Di Lullo, C Passucci, R Cocci Grifoni, B Marchetti, 2017, Experimental results of pipeline dewatering through surfactant injection, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 206: 1432-1445.
- Corvaro, F., Benucci, M., Marchetti, B., Grifoni, R.C., Polonara, F., 2017, The role of an electrically heated front cover on the thermal performance of a radiator, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Volume 44 (5): 409-425.
- Giacchetta G., Leporini M., Marchetti B., 2015, Evaluation of the economic impact of a new high value process for the management of the end of life of thin film photovoltaic modules, Int. J. Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 15(4): 528-541.
- D’Alessandro V., Giacchetta G., Leporini M., Marchetti B., Terenzi A., 2015, Modelling blowdown of pressure vessels containing two-phase hydrocarbons mixtures with the partial phase equilibrium approach, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 126: 719–729 .
- Giacchetta G., Leporini M., Marchetti B., 2015, Economic and environmental analysis of a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) facility for oil recovery from Canadian oil sands, Applied Energy, Vol. 142: 1–9.
- Giacchetta G, Leporini M, Marchetti B, Terenzi A (2014), Numerical study of choked two-phase flow of hydrocarbons fluids through orifices, Journal Of Loss Prevention In The Process Industries, Volume 27:13-20.
- Crivellini A, Giacchetta G, Marchetti B, Marchetti C, Paciarotti C, Terenzi A (2013). Development and validation of a model for the simulation of the air drying phenomena in pipelines. INTERNATIONAL Journal Of Mathematical Modelling And Numerical Optimisation, Volume 4: 351-373.
- Giacchetta G, Leporini M, Marchetti B (2013). Evaluation of the environmental benefits of new high value process for the management of the end of life of thin film photovoltaic modules. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 51: 214-224.
- Bevilacqua M, Ciarapica F, Marchetti B (2012), Development and test of a new fuzzy-QFD approach for characterizing customers rating of extra virgin olive oil. Food Quality and Preference, Volume 24: 75–84.